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Doctor Examining Patient

Rocklow Women's Health Clinic

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Our team of doctors have specialist training to provide a full range of women’s health services to our patients in a sensitive and understanding manner. This involves keeping up-to-date with best treatments and offering a range of services and access to information. Your well-being and health will have specific needs at different stages in life and this is something we understand.


Family Planning:

  • Fertility advice and planning - Health checks and planning before pregnancy

  • Contraception options - consultation to find the contraception that is right for you

  • Emergency contraception

  • Hormonal contraception: oral contraceptive pill or Depo-provera injection

  • Long-acting reversible contraceptives options:

    • Implanon insertion, removal and replacements

    • Contraceptive coil options including Mirena, Kyleena and non-hormonal


Pregnancy Care:

  • Antenatal - maternity care scheme

  • Postnatal - 2 and 6-week checks, pelvic floor dysfunction, lactation advice

  • Blood glucose testing


Gynaecological Problems we can help with:

  • Period difficulties

  • Vaginal infections

  • Pelvic floor weakness and prolapse

  • Cystitis and incontinence problems

  • PMS

  • Screening for osteoporosis

  • Sexual transmitted infection screening, diagnosis and treatment

Other Health Checks:

  • Smear and cervical screening - Free to patients 25-60 years

  • Breast check

  • Menopause and perimenopause care (see below)

  • Skin examination, acne and dermatology advice


Well Woman Check:

By having this comprehensive health check, you will gain a detailed picture of your present state of health, and by making the suggested changes in your lifestyle you can be proactive in promoting good health.

Rocklow Menopause Clinic:           

Changes in hormones can affect women as early as 30 years-old through to 100 years! We offer Menopause and peri-menopause clinics ( with or without hormone replacement therapy prescribing). Dr Linsey Mason and Dr Niamh Scanlan regularly attend Menopause conferences, training seminars and meetings to keep up-to-date on menopause care and prescribing.



Menopause symptoms can vary in type and severity with sweats, ‘hot flushes’, psychological issues, sexual problems, insomnia, joint pains or even recurrent cystitis and thrush. We ask ladies please don’t suffer on. Our doctors keep up-to-date with the array of treatments available.


A menopause consult will include full history, assessment of symptoms, physical examination, blood tests and treatment options right for you. We take a holistic view and consider your full health, so if a DEXA bone scan was recommended we can book this for you too.

For further info email:

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