Health Screening
We believe prevention is better than cure. Maintaining good health and preventing disease is a cornerstone in what we do. We offer comprehensive health checks, and what patients find most important is the personalised examination and time spent with the doctor examining their health, well-being and lifestyle. Patients receive both a written and digital copy of heath check and results.
The Good Heart Check
Well Man Medical
Well Woman Medical
Pre-employment and Executive Medicals
Sports Medical
Irish Horse Racing Board Jockey Licence Medicals
The Good Heart Check
We offer this check to all our patients and it is covered for medical card patients. This assesses your heart and cardiovascular health. Often patients with elevated cholesterol and blood pressure will have no symptoms, but it is known to be a high-risk factor for heart attack or stroke.
This can be provided in 1 visit:
Heart tracing known as ECG - assesses rhythm.
Blood tests including cholesterol, full blood count, kidney function and diabetes.
24-hour blood pressure - gold standard for assessing blood pressure level.
Results are delivered with clear health advice, treatments if required and review of heart age.
Well Man Medical
Prior to the consultation you will be asked to complete a questionnaire as this information helps to highlight any special concerns.
What tests are carried out?
Electrocardiograph Heart Tracing (ECG)
Blood Pressure – 24-hour BP arranged if required
Haematology profile (FBC)
Liver function tests (LFT)
Kidney function tests (U&E)
Thyroid function test
Fasting lipids (Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Triglycerides)
Fasting glucose
Haemochromatosis blood test
Uric acid (Gout)
Urine analysis
PSA prostate blood test
Physical examination including mole examination
Eye test
Weight management
Smoking cessation
Full lifestyle analysis with the doctor including cardiovascular risk assessment and heart age.
Supplementary tests may be suggested and arranged in certain cases:
Ultrasound scan
Chest X-ray
Exercise stress test/Echocardiogram
DEXA Scan (for osteoporosis/reduced bone density)
Well Woman Medical
Prior to the consultation, you will need to complete our medical questionnaire as this information helps to highlight any special concerns.
What tests are carried out?
Electrocardiograph Heart Tracing (ECG)
Blood pressure - 24-hour BP if required
Haematology profile (FBC)
Liver function tests (LFT)
Kidney function tests (U&E)
Thyroid function test
Fasting lipids (Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Triglycerides)
Fasting glucose (Diabetes test)
Haemochromatosis blood test
Uric acid (Gout)
Urine analysis
BMI scan
Smear test
Breast examination
Physical examination including mole examination
Eye test
Weight management
Smoking cessation
Full lifestyle analysis with the doctor including cardiovascular risk assessment and heart age.
Supplementary tests may be suggested and arranged in certain cases or recommendation for their own GP to follow up:
24-hour ambulatory blood pressure arranged at practice
Ultrasound scan
DEXA Scan (for osteoporosis)